VA is cutting back on my pain prescriptions


Pain clinic is cutting my script. Said I was over-prescribed and keep busting my hump about alcohol and cbd numbers in pee.

Jim's Reply:

Although you didn't exactly ask a question, I'll hazard a guess and assume you want to know what to do about your narcotic medications being taken away from you? Ultimately there's nothing you can do but learn to live without the opioids you've been prescribed in the past. There is a health crisis in America and it's centered on opioid abuses.  The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) controls every doctor's license to prescribe narcotic medicines and they've instructed doctors to greatly reduce the amount of narcotics they prescribe. This isn't just at the VA, it's all doctors across America.  You should accept that you'll have different ways to manage your pain in the future...without opioid medications.