Military Sexual Trauma

Red text in a red box on a white background reads 'DENIED.'

Was your MST-Related VA Benefit Claim Denied? Learn about Special Review Process

How to get your previously denied VA Compensation claim reviewed.

The VA logo, with text reading 'U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs'

VA Policy Memo on Military Sexual Trauma 2011

Veterans Benefit Administration (VBA) Letter 20-11-23 emphasizes training protocols for VA Regional Office staff involved in disability claims related to military sexual trauma (MST).

It also states that claims examiners must:

A photo of people, from the knees down, wearing camoflague uniforms and tan combat boots.

Sexual Assault in the Military: Where to Get Help

As the media focus on this issue intensifies,  the military - and others - have ramped up their efforts to create safe places for victims to turn.  Here are links to the resources we have found. 

Safe Helpline: Sexual Assault Support for the DoD Community