Return to active after being declared 100% P&T?


Hello: After a long battle (8 years) with the VA, I finally was awarded 100% P/T. During this long battle, I became proactive and returned to school to earn several degrees. I have always yearned to return to the military as an officer. I now have that opportunity. However, what will happen to my 100% P/T? I've read different options in numerous online website, blogs, etc., including a recruiter. The options include losing my disability, suspension of my disability pay but not losing my disability as a whole, not being able to refile for disability, etc.... Do you have any advice or information that might be more helpful in making such an impactful decision. Thank you.


Jim's Reply:

Many people with disability ratings do return to active duty. These are mostly lesser (<50%) ratings for conditions that will not have a negative effect on the returning member's ability to perform the requirements of the elected MOS.

The service member who is accepted to return to active duty will give up the VA disability ratings while active and more or less be required to adjudicate the claim(s) once again at the end of this term of service. Realistically, no matter how you slice and dice it, being labeled as 100% disabled and living the rigorous life of an active soldier is incongruous at best.

At ETS you'll have a blank slate with VA.

I question whether you will be viewed as fit for duty with your 100% P & T rating. If you were successful, that's a lot to give up for a dream. Were I you, I'd probably take a pass on the whole thing and find another way to fulfill my yearning to be back in uniform.

Good luck.


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