Last rating increase in 2007 to TDIU


My last rating increase was in 2007 with finding of TDIU permanent following the C&P exam. My eyes were not part of the TDIU decision since my diabetes had not yet affected my vision until bleeding identified by VA in 2017. In addition, I did not file for a rating increase following my 2nd coronary bypass procedure in 2009. My 1st coronary bypass took place in 1996 which was included in the TDIU decision. Knowing that I am currently receiving "max disability benefits" since 2007, would it benefit me to file for any future benefits now. I worry about loss of vision and/or my coronary condition will require future "medical needs?".

Jim's Reply:

You may or may not benefit from filing future claims. Once we are rated as 100% disabled by "the schedule" that may seem like the max. However there re special ratings above and beyond 100% that may be awarded when more serious ailments develop. If you think you should file, go for it.